Saturday, January 18, 2014

still waiting

A silver bell in the sky, with long flowing robes, that reach all through you, to have a secret knowledge of you, Where you are released from being known, The quietest orientation, empty holding, wordless comprehension, Dissolves the softest colors in the longest day, A bride off shore, made an angle to dream, of angels of refraction, Drowning my names, Like sunken ghost ships, In the shadows of the moon, A twilight kiss, Edges of the egg thinning, The beginning and ending, Of itchy veins, In a seven star soda pool, Plus seven sugar generations, Thicken pages of purple circulation, To hear the ocean sing, To find the rest of the sky, Letters In the underground, Watch my slippery eyes, like deep dark drunken pools, With shaded deciphering my deepest longing Where sunlight slows into dust, To try new aspirations, Climbing down the dim hall of my song, To meet a minstrel to transfer the gift, Up root the destination of appearances, Before the retro fit consolations, Relieve the cost of winter’s empty jar with a doll kite queen, My flat spot matches up perfectly, The corners find a quiet place to lean, Sliding in and out of phase, the quotient tide, Whispers myself back to the red trial, With gods of fear and pleasure, Pushed into particles without seams, And wait for me to write the answer to the dream, Forged over centuries of oculation, The deep seething slingshot, That never wanted to play games of isolation, Learns distance equals the rest of the moment,

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